Learn more about our AML screening trial

Fourthline demonstrates the highest speed to conclusive outcomes, the highest accuracy of detecting false positives & a range of add-ons for your screening infrastructure. Learn more about how you can test it for free on a sample of your choice.

How does it work?

Ready to challenge the status quo of your AML screening? Don’t take our word for it. Discover Fourthline’s AML screening solution and test it on your own data in 3 easy steps: 1) agree on terms, 2) send your data sample in a secure way, 3) receive results back promptly.

How it works

Watchlist check

We check global PEP watchlists, sanctions watchlists & adverse media articles across all entries in the database.

Sensitivity check

We check your own custom list of clients you don’t want to do business with.

Four eyes review

An additional review of potential & confirmed hits by a Fourthline agent.

Risk score

Our AI runs the data through our proprietary risk assessment & generates a score for every potential hit based on multiple data points.

Conclusive outcome

We share the outcome with a webhook via our API. We include the screening status & any hits in a detailed client due diligence (CDD) report.